
Sunday, July 12, 2015


Hello!  I am gonna get my little brother Camden to start playing Pokemon, but to get him to start, I need to buy him some Pokemon.  So, this is what I was thinking, if you play Pokemon, and have my email, this post is for you (Well, for me, but also for you).  Okay, so why I am writing this post is because I wanted to buy a custom deck, for my brother.  Here is what I want in it (Make sure it is an actual deck, so only one or two types (as in types, I mean Grass, or Fire)):  around 15 Pokemon Trainer Cards, around 25 Energy, and around 19 Pokemon, and 1 Pokemon EX.  If someone wants to sell me a deck like this, I will pay them $10 dollars.  THANKS!  I will hopefully be blogging every day, but I might not be!  Bye, I will blog later!