
Tuesday, February 16, 2016


Hey guys!  I wanted to tell you a little bit about Pokemon!  It is a really fun card game that was invented in 1996, and brought to the US in 1999.  It is hard to explain how to play, so if you want to know more about it, go to!  Something else I wanted to tell you about is a small bit of my Pokemon collection!  I will be uploading a video about that soon on my YouTube channel PokemonBoboHD, but I want to tell you the best 3 cards I have.  My 3rd best card I have is a Mega Gyrados EX, who is from the newest set BREAKPoint.  The 2nd best card I have is FA (Full Art) Mega Scizor EX!  He is also from the newest set!  The #1 Best card I have is Marowak BREAK.  If you play Pokemon, you know he is a nooby card, but my Marowak is special.  This card has a giant misprint!  The Pokeball on the back is upside down, which changes his value from $2 to $40!  I am super glad I got this card from a prerelease!  I hope you enjoy this little post about Pokemon!  Thanks for reading my blog!!!

-Likable Logan