
Monday, September 29, 2014

Drum Paper

Hi everybody!  Sorry I haven't been posting much.  I started a new homeschool online class called VLACS (I do 3 subjects on VLACS).  It is very hard and long.  I also have to work on the Homeschool Brew.  Just incase you do not know what the Homeschool Brew is, here are the links: Homeschool Brew Link  Homeschool Brew 2 Link  Homeschool Brew 3 Link.  I just wrote a new paper too.  It is on drums, here it is:

Logan Boisvert      9-29-14

I love to play drums.  First, I pick the set of drum sticks I want to use and grab them.  Next, I have to adjust my seat, so it doesn’t wiggle much.  After that, I make sure to check my foot peddles.  The next part is the best part- I GET TO ROCK ON! I have to make sure I play for 6-18 minutes before I can be finished with my drum practice.  Last, I put my drum sticks away and wait for tomorrow to play drums.

Tuesday, September 2, 2014


AMPED Camp was the best!!! I had SOOOOOOOO much fun!!! We got to do cool stuff like a leader hunt in the dark, which is a thing were we look for leaders at night outside. I didn't find anyone, but my brother Elijah found the main leader Calvin, and Cookies (That is his nickname) found Shane on top of a truck, and Shane jumped Cookies, but cookies got him. . .  We did a lot of other cool things, like water tramp, swimming, foosball, Gaga ball, and alot of other cool stuff like that! It was with a lot of my friends, but not all of them . . .  My cabin mates were the Cody, Shane, the twins Blake and Brandon, James, and my bunk mate Cookies. It was GREAT!!! (:      