
Friday, February 27, 2015

Cats of The Guilds Parts 5 and 6

               Cats of The Guilds

Chapter 11

Blaze Paw was talking to Lightning Paw (from Storm Guild), when all the leaders of the Guilds jumped onto their rocks.  The leader Dark Star (from Dark Guild) growled to calm evevrybody down, and get their attention.  All the leaders were debating who should talk first, and they all agreed with the leader who has been leader the longest, Flaming Scar.  Flaming Scar just talked about what was going on in his clan.  All the other leaders did the same, except the leader who was last, Dark Star.  Dark Star had said that his Guild had smelled other cats, not rogues or pets, but from another Guild.  It smelled like one of the old Guilds, that left the forest years before, when Dark Star was an aprentice.  Blaze Paw was afraid the other Guild would attack the camp...

Chapter 12

When the meeting was over, there was a yelp heard in the forest.  Everybody knew what guild it was coming from . . .  Storm Guild.  Light Guild and Fire Guild went to help Storm Guild.  Storm Guild and their allies ran as fast as they could, and when they got to Storm Guild's camp, they saw that it wasn't Storm Guild's warriors yelping, but another guild . . .  It was . . .  Speed Guild.  Speed Guild, belive it or not, was not very fast . . .  They were trying to steal food, but they were not quick enough.  They were EXTREAMLY skinny, and once the back up came, they started to run, but Speed Guild got cornered.  Speed Guild was about to run, when the leader thought twice before running, and then said, "Please, help us, give us some food and we will leave you alone!"

Blaze Paw Wondered What Would Happen Next.

Thursday, February 26, 2015

Metaphor Poem

Metaphor Poem
Logan B.                                                                                                                                                                 2/26/15

Happiness is sun yellow.
It sounds like birds singing in the trees.
It tastes like crisp, yummy bacon.
It smells like a fresh, clean blanket that just came out of the dryer.
Happiness feels like the warm sun shining down on me.

Friday, February 13, 2015

How to be a Smart Shopper

How to be a Smart Shopper
By Logan                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        12/19/14

                It is important to be a smart shopper.  It is important because if you are not a smart shopper, you could get scammed.  When being a clever buyer, you should try to save up money, and try to buy more “needs” than “wants.”  For those of you who do not want to be in debt, or have regret over spending habits, learning how to be a smart shopper is an important skill to have.

                It is important to be a smart shopper so people do not get scammed.  PayPal is “An electronic commerce company that facilitates payments between parties through online funds transfers.”  To avoid being swindled, one thing people could do is use a PayPal account.  PayPal makes it easier to avoid being scammed, because if someone tried to scam someone else, they would only be able to get the money in the person’s PayPal account, but not the money on their credit card.  PayPal is a good way to avoid being scammed.

                Being thrifty helps people be a smart shopper.  To be frugal, you have to save money.  To help people be thrifty or frugal, they should set a goal of how much money they want to save.  They can stick to a certain budget by not spending more than they desire.  Another thing people could do to save money, is to use a grocery feature like Hannaford To Go.  Hannaford To Go helps customers stick to a budget, by having the customer order their groceries online.  Then the Hannaford grocery store workers shop for the customer, bring out the groceries for them, and then have the customer pay.  This helps save money because the buyers do not buy extra items that were not on their list.  Often shoppers purchase more things than what is on their grocery list.  Hannaford To Go helps shoppers be thrifty by helping them spend less money.

                Buying more “needs” then “wants” is a good way to improve on being a smart shopper.  Buying more “needs” means that people should buy items like food, and drinks, and less toys and items that are not needed.  Some “needs” that people should buy are food, water, clothes, and shelter.  “Wants” that people tend to buy are toys, videogames, music, instruments, Minecraft, and a lot more.  It is better to buy things you need to survive, then buy things you want, based on how much money is left over.  Buying more “needs” then “wants” is a good way to be a smart shopper.

                                In conclusion, being thrifty, using PayPal, and buying more “needs” than “wants” is a good way to be a smart shopper.  Like I said earlier, being a smart shopper is a good way to save money.  Being a smart shopper is also a good way to save time!  If people are not smart shoppers, or not careful, they could get scammed.  Being a smart shopper is a good skill to have in life. 

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Cats Of The Guilds Parts 4 and 5

The Cats Of The Guilds

Chapter 9

The cats were running through the forest that night.  It was a dark and cold night, and Blaze Paw and Black Paw had no clue where they were.  Blaze Paw didn't even know where they were going!  Shadow Earth said that they would be there soon, but almost everybody didn't trust Shadow Earth. When they got to their destination, there were already about 150 cats there.  Leaf Stripe ask Blaze Paw "What Guilds do you smell?"  Blaze Paw said "I smell . . ."  (He took a wiff of the air) "Umm . . .  Storm Guild . . . and . . .  Fire Guild?"  "Correct." Leaf Stripe said.  Blaze Paw was shaking with fear and joy.

Chapter 10

Blaze Paw and the rest of his guild were running down the hill into the center of the gourge, to meet all the other cats.  There were six different giant rocks all leaning on eachother in the center.  1 for each Guild.  Fire Guild had little specks of red in their rock (garnet),  Storm Guild had one with specks of purple (amathyst), Earth Guild had a rock the color yellow (moon stone), Dark Guild had one the color black (coal), Ice Guild had one with specks of blue rock (blue pearl), and last, Light Guild's rock was the color white (opal).  Blaze Paw could not wait to see what would happen.

Chapter 11

Blaze Paw was talking to Lightning Paw (from Storm Guild), when all the leaders of the Guilds jumped onto their rocks.  The leader Dark Star (from Dark Guild) growled to calm evevrybody down, and get their attention.  All the leaders were debating who should talk first, and they all agreed with the leader who has been leader the longest, Flaming Scar.  Flaming Scar just talked about what was going on in his clan.  All the other leaders did the same, except the leader who was last, Dark Star.  Dark Star had said that his Guild had smelled other cats, not rogues or pets, but from another Guild.  It smelled like one of the old Guilds, that left the forest years before, when Dark Star was an aprentice.  Blaze Paw was afraid the other Guild would attack the camp...

To be continued . . .