
Wednesday, April 23, 2014


I have a new paper for you...  :)

Logan B. 4/21/14

The grossest pizza ever was made with some very unlikely toppings for a pizza!  Here is what you need if you want to make this pizza: Cheese, milk, fish, butter, ketchup, Teaching Textbooks 3,  chili, a pound of sugar, shoes, Legos, cabbage, 10 Hexbug Nanos, 5 tacks, and a pound of dirt, (two pounds if you’re feeling dirty)!  Oh, and also toilet water!  

I used this recipe, and mixed all the stuff in a bowl.  I put it on a pan in the shape of a pizza.  Then, I stuck it in the oven.  My big brother came in the kitchen and shrieked, “AHH…  GROSS!”  and ran out of the room.  Now my little brother, said, “O. M. G-O-S-H!  WHAT SMELLS SO GOOOOOOOD?!  when I told him that it was my pizza, and offered him the first piece, he took a bite.  Then, he said, something like, “EEW…  NO, NO, NO, THIS IS HORRIFIC” while running to the toilet!  I gave a piece to my dad, and he did the same.  My big brother, Mom, and I, never dared to try a piece, but I am sure that this pizza, was, and is, the grossest pizza ever!!!