
Friday, January 24, 2014

My Essay

My Essay is called "If I Were Invisible."  Here it is!!!

  If I Were Invisible
Logan B., 1-23-14

If I were invisible, the first thing I’d do is put on gloves and socks so people could see my hands and feet.  Then,  I’d ask my mom if we could go to an enormous theme park called Disney World for one ticket less (for the price).   If she said “No,”  I’d work for the money my self (I’d work for money any way).  I could do magic tricks and stuff.

First, I’d look for somebody to hire me,  then,  I’d be an impressive $MILLION AIRE$ and be famous!!!   I think…

I’d also pull pranks on my brothers like tripping them.  I figure I’d always win hide and seek!  I’d go to the movies for free (1, they don’t see me, and 2 I’d tell them who I am…  I’m famous, remember?).  I’d also buy some glorious popcorn and scarf it down.  

I’d have so much fun being invisible!!!  Except…  there’s one thing I’d miss…   MY OLD LIFE!!!