Monday, December 30, 2013
Did everyone have a Merry Christmas?! I had a great one! It was my 2nd favorite Christmas!!! (my first was when I got Nellie my dog). I loved celebrating Jesus's birth! Did you celebrate Jesus's birth? Or do you not believe in him and didn't accept him into your heart? If you didn't, I hope you do. I was sick and I still had a great Christmas! It's not about gifts from Santa and your family, it's about Jesus's birth. I still had fun. I got a GIANT Lord Of The Rings Lego set. It was the black boat from the Return of The King. I also got a watch and a... WII U!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I also got three wii u games and my brothers and I also bought one... AWESOME!!! I only get three gifts each year like Jesus did when he was born. He got 3... only 3 gifts and he didn't care. We only get three gifts and I don't want any more then that.