Hey guys! I have been sooooo so so so soooo busy, and haven't been able to update my blog in a while. I have been busy, because... I NOW GO TO PUBLIC SCHOOL!!! It is fun, but I still don't know where my classes are yet, or what class I have when. I started around 2 weeks ago, and already had a week of vacation. I started going on the Wednesday before vacation, and have been going since (other than vacation). I was gonna go on Monday, buuuut........................... I puked that day... I was gonna go Tuesday, buuuut.................... The school said that you can't go to school for two days if you had puked. So, I went on Wednesday. That is pretty much all I have to tell you about school so far! I will (most likely when I have time) tell you more later!
Also... I have some bad news... ): I have conjunctivitis... NOOOO! No wonder it has "junk" in the name! ;) Well... It actually doesn't. Not when you spell it anyways, but when you say it, you say it "kuh n-junk-tuh-vahy-tis", so it kinda does have it in the name. Anyways, it is very annoying and terrible... My dad had had it a while ago, but now I have it... ):
That is pretty much all I have to say for today! Byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!
-Likable Logan